Behaviour & Expectations

At St. Stephen’s Infant School, we aim to create a happy, caring and stimulating environment in which all children can grow in self-esteem to reach their full potential. We believe children will do this when they feel safe, secure and mutually respected. We recognise that behaviour is how emotions are communicated and believe that by helping children to understand the emotions they experience and know how to handle them, they will be able to manage their behaviours independently.

Positive behaviour is linked to our whole school values;

Safe and Secure – Term 1 focus

Happy – Term 2 focus

Independent – Term 3 focus

Nurturing – Term 4 focus

Expectation – Term 5 focus

Together We Shine – Term 6 focus

Children receive an abundance of praise daily, “Pebbles in the Pot” which count towards Team Points, they can also receive certificates and “Top Banana” stickers from Senior Leaders.

 We follow the “Jigsaw” curriculum for PHSE and children are actively taught what positive behaviour is.


Happily, we rarely have any incidences of behaviour, which could be described as bullying. However, bullying is not tolerated St Stephen’s. Please let us know if you feel this may be happening or encourage your child to tell us in confidence. 


Suspension will very rarely be used and then only in the interests of the health and safety of the child concerned, or others within the school. 


Homework should be an enjoyable experience and, in general, should be used to reinforce children’s school work. For the older children, it helps prepare them for life at Junior school. Homework also gives parents an opportunity to discuss school work with their children, providing some understanding of, and insight into, the national curriculum. 


The following policies can be found on the Policies Page: