Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

The intent of St Stephen's Infant School Curriculum

At St Stephen's Infant School we have designed our curriculum with the intent that all pupils will...

The golden thread of our curriculum is to:

Our curriculum is cohesive and progressive with knowledge and skills that are built upon year on year. We also ensure that our curriculum is flexible to follow the interests of the children and to ensure that we are providing relevant and stimulating opportunities.  We offer a curriculum that reflects the context of Canterbury and St Stephen's within the wider world.   Through our curriculum we inspire children to develop a love of learning.

St Stephen's Infant School Curriculum

 At St Stephen's Infant School we understand the importance of providing children with an abundance of opportunities to learn more and make links with their prior learning.  By ensuring that children can retreive their knowledge and build on it, children will become confident and independent learners who build on their skills and remember more.  

Below are our intent and progression grids for each subject area taught in school.

EYFS Curriculum

The English Curriculum

Phonics at St Stephen's Infant School

Phonic Screener - A Guide For Parents

The Maths Curriculum

Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy

The Science Curriculum

The Wider Curriculum



Religious Education

Art & Design

 Design Technology


Physical Education


Forest School

The St Stephen's 7!

Through our curriculum, we give all our children the opportunity to experience and take part in a range of events to help them to develop their wider experiences of the world (cultural capital).  These events change yearly and in the past our children have had the chance to experience visits to religious buildings, trips to the local theatre, working with local artists, supporting local and national charities and taking part in local sporting events.  This year we continue to provide our children with a range of experiences - The St Stephen's 7!  Seven opportunities that we guarantee to provide for the children.  Please find the St Stephen's 7 for EYFS, Year One and Year Two below.

Please open the links below to view the leaflets